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exit experience is very accessible by the highway in Mainz Laubenheim.
You can enter your address above and calculate the route to us.
Parking is free at the entrance.

Reach exit experience by car in about:

  • 5 minutes from Mainz Weisenau
  • 7 minutes from Mainz Hechtsheim & Mainz Ebersheim
  • 10 minutes from Mainz Oberstadt
  • 12 minutes from Mainz Alstadt & Mainz Neustadt
  • 13 minutes from Mainz Bretzenheim, Mainz Marienborn, Mainz Hartenberg-Münchfeld & Mainz Finthen
  • 15 minutes from Mainz Gonsenheim, Mainz Drais & Mainz Lerchenberg

Reach exit experience by train:

  • regional train from Hauptbahnhof / Bahnhof Römisches Theater to Bahnhof Mainz Laubenheim, from there 10 min. walking distance

Reach exit experience by bus:

  • Busline 61 & 63, get out at the Ginsheimer Str. bus station, from there 2 min. walking distance

If you're coming from Wiesbaden, you'll be happy to know that we're situated near the Autobahn so you can reach us easily or take a train to the train station near us.